Part 2: Living Room

As I sit on the couch, photographed to write this, I think of how I’ve always felt that home is a private place. I’ve struggled with sharing in places I call home, yet I find the intimacy of knowing someone's home is a beautiful thing to share. I’ve had my coffee and Looshi vanilla incense is burning. My morning started calmly. Initially, I wasn't sure what I would talk about.

As I look through the photos Inaara captured of me in my living room, I am reminded of how my belongings truly reflect who I am.

From my sewing machines to the books that have found me in unique ways, I am comforted by my belongings. They bring me good memories and serve me well. There’s a lamp that my mother gave me and samples from projects like OTO and Blue Faces. My mom loved the pillows of my art cover from Blue Faces; we had two sets in her den. When we both moved, I kept one as a memory of my accomplished project.

I’ve been in this apartment since July, and I love the concrete floors and extremely tall ceilings. This loft reminds me of my studio space in my mother's unfinished basement; the concrete and plants are similar. I’m definitely grateful for the high ceilings; the space feels bigger, and I know Collis, being 6’3, appreciates the space. Moving to Kansas City has been a great change for me and for my projects. I didn’t realize how much time I was already spending in the Crossroads district and downtown area in general. Between being minutes away from the studio I dance at and enjoying my daily morning walks in the neighborhood, I’ve experienced valuable daily changes that are helping me grow and get closer to my dreams.

It's funny how, after all these years, I still wear the American Apparel clothes I own. The skirt I’m wearing is at least 10 years old, and the top I recently got from Los Angeles Apparel. I bought latex boots for dancing, and I've certainly gotten good use out of them. The leather choker made by Ruzzana was bought last year during Art Walk. My style has evolved slightly over the years, and I’m enjoying the changes. These reflections and connections warm my heart and fill me with gratitude. Life is a string of things, but it's all about the moment

Photos taken by Inaara Vishnani

I’d like to give a shout-out to my push-up bra Liquid from Natori.

- Got it at Clair De Lune :)


Part 3: Entice


Part 1: A Film Photoshoot Journey at Home with Inaara