I go by Dom Chronicles, my home base is Kansas City. As far as age goes, my shell is 31, my being is however old the universe is.

Change, adaptation, and evolution from music, technology, to the biology of the planet and the people on it. I really believe this human experience is a gift. When I look at it like that, it makes every day exciting. Besides that, my excitement comes from simple things I see or experience. It can be something like a dope car driving down the street, my friends having success, or finding out something new. Life is just exciting all around these days.

I had never actually felt "free" until about a month ago. After really reflecting on my life experiences, things I could have done, things I have done. At the end of the day, it's a constant process to stay in the present and in the midst of all these distractions that remind you of the woulda, coulda, shouldas. I've just gone through some things the past few years that make me truly not afraid of anything anymore. I eliminated the fear. We are all human and experience fear of loss, judgement, failure, and just not worrying about whether you are or aren’t doing enough. Once I started to do my best to not be on that frequency and just be completely focused on abundance, freedom came.

During my reflections and meditations, I feel as though I get closer and closer to my true purpose as a being. Learning how to be comfortable with putting things in God's hands and learning how to tap into that unlimited supply of energy.

I'm about to drop a collaboration project with my boy House Party called Still Learning on May 19th. I hope you all check it out!




